Saturday, October 5, 2019

Motor Skills (MOVIE) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Motor Skills (MOVIE) - Essay Example All players were at an early stage of learning that the coach believed required a type of challenge that surpasses other challenges the players dealt with outside training such as racial discrimination. A challenge from Coach Boone during training assuredly taught his team to apply the attitude of â€Å"fight[ing] together† in all challenging situations (Yakin, 2000). Motivation in Remember the Titans came from the coach, immediate surroundings, and during the advanced phases of learning. A fundamental principle of kinesiology is encouraging advanced staged learners to pursue their interests at all costs, which is applicable in sports. Motivation in Remember the Titans influences the performance of the student athletes positively. More specifically, Coach Boone compelled the high school learners to unite for a common cause despite racial differences (Yakin, 2000). Industriousness and patience are values that make up the motivation principle necessary for accomplishing ultimate motor control. Repetitive practice is Coach Boone’s main instrument for assuring motor control within the team ahead of all games. Coach Boone makes sure his team’s quarterback acquire the necessary game-like motor control as he puts him through many practices that enable him to perform and maintain the ability to implement these motor skills. A quarterback is not prosperous without these three primary aspects. Coach Boone instills these aspects in all players and not the quarterback only by emphasizing the interaction of all team players to discover their backgrounds before practice (Yakin, 2000). The film centers on the training of a group of talented football players through the enhancement of their physical abilities, maneuvering skills, opponent analysis, and existing knowledge about the sport and its history. To do this, Coach Boone believes he ought to

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