Essay writing for esl students
Higher Education For All Topics Research Paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Company Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Organization Analysis - Research Paper Example In this manner, from a promoting point of view, the name ‘Hooter’ by the organization speaks to class of eateries rendering exceptional administrations to clients for the most part youngsters through young ladies who are essentially the servers. The parent organization is the Hooters, Inc involves two eatery organizations; Hooters of America and the Hooters spread in over for hundred and thirty five areas around the world. Aside from the nourishments and beverages, the organization has likewise been included some different exercises in the past that have had their offer in the achievement of the organization. In the middle of 1988 and 2011, Hooters supported donning exercises extending from pontoon dashing in Formula one to Hooters Golf Pro visit. In 2003, Hooters propelled the Hooters Air Airline that was accepted by numerous individuals to have the prettiest attendants throughout the entire existence of air transport. Hooters Company likewise runs a few gambling clubs in different significant urban communities of the world (Graver 1-3). As indicated by Brizek (2-3), the organizers of the Hooters Company were three youngsters who saw the need to begin an eatery that would fulfill the requirements of men. Along these lines, in their psyches the primary objective populace was youngsters. This is clear and apparent that Hooters Company targets youngsters in the market that is the reason the organization utilizes the little youngsters Hooter young ladies as their open figure. The organization targets youngsters of roughly ages twenty five to thirty five years comprising of common laborers people just as youthful rich business folks around the globe. This is the reason Hooters cafés cut across various religions; Christianity, Islamic and even Hinduism. These are the people with extravagant ways of life. By the by, Hooters cafés are generally spread in various conditions of the world focusing on various nationalities, for example, the Americans both from North and Suoth America, Britons, Japanese, Chinese and
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Medical and Ethical Perspectives of Human Cloning Essay -- Argumen
The Medical and Ethical Perspectives of Human Cloning   â â In our advanced world, the innovation of hereditary building and human cloning for the utilization of agamic propagation has arrived at a point to where we should inquire as to whether it is a decent practice for clinical purposes, or on the off chance that it presents issues of moral and good concern.â Human cloning is a very cmplex process; it is very multilayered in the guarantees and dangers that are proposed by researchers (Kolata 8).â In the fundamental definition, cloning is cultivated by expelling the core of a develop, unfertilized egg and supplanting it with a specific cell from a grown-up organism.â The core taken contains the vast majority of the innate material from the first human source, and it creates from the human source it was taken from.â This procedure makes it workable for researchers, or geneticists, to repeat boundless measures of copies, which are known as clones (Pence:â Flesh 18).â Human cloning has arrived at a point wher the moral an d virtues have not been thought of, and we have not completely learned and comprehended the negative results of such another and overpowering technology.â There are, in any case, singular advantages of utilizing hereditary designing for clinical purposes.â Such purposes incorporate quality treatment and abiogenetic reproduction.â The utilization of hereditary designing in our general public is seen diversely in two entirely questionable ways.â Scientists, bioethicists, specialists, legal advisors, educators, and creators participate in the discussion over human cloning and its health advantages versus good and ethnical concern.  â â Cloning and hereditary designing ahve been thoughts that researchers have investigated for a long time.â Cloning originally came to open consideration around thirty years prior, after the s... ...bring up extreme issues. Mohler, Albert R. The Brave New World of Cloning: A Christian Worldview Perspective.â Human Cloning: Religious Responses.â Ed. Ronald Cole-Turner. Louiseville, Ky.: Westminster John Know Press, c 1997. MSNBC Staff and Wire Reports.â Korea says human clone test succeeds: Scientists guarantee to develop human incipient organism in experiment.â Pence, Gregory E. Tissue of my Flesh: The Ethics of Cloning Humans.â Lanham, Md. Rowman and Littlefield, c 1998. Pence, Gregory E. Who's Afraid of Human Cloning? Lanham, Md. Rowman and Littlefield, c 1998. Roleff, Tamara L. ed. Biomedical Ethics: Opposing Viewpoints.â San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, Inc. c 1998. Wekesser, Carol. ed. Hereditary Engineering: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, Inc. c 1996. The Medical and Ethical Perspectives of Human Cloning Essay - Argumen The Medical and Ethical Perspectives of Human Cloning   â â In our advanced world, the innovation of hereditary building and human cloning for the utilization of abiogenetic proliferation has arrived at a point to where we should inquire as to whether it is a decent practice for clinical purposes, or on the off chance that it presents issues of moral and good concern.â Human cloning is a very cmplex process; it is very multilayered in the guarantees and dangers that are proposed by researchers (Kolata 8).â In the fundamental definition, cloning is cultivated by evacuating the core of a develop, unfertilized egg and supplanting it with a specific cell from a grown-up organism.â The core taken contains the greater part of the inherited material from the first human source, and it creates from the human source it was taken from.â This procedure makes it feasible for researchers, or geneticists, to imitate boundless measures of copies, which are known as clones (Pence:â Flesh 18).â Human cloning has arrived at a point wher t he moral and virtues have not been thought of, and we have not completely learned and comprehended the negative outcomes of such another and overpowering technology.â There are, notwithstanding, singular advantages of utilizing hereditary designing for clinical purposes.â Such purposes incorporate quality treatment and agamic reproduction.â The utilization of hereditary building in our general public is seen diversely in two truly questionable ways.â Scientists, bioethicists, specialists, legal advisors, educators, and creators participate in the discussion over human cloning and its health advantages versus good and ethnical concern.  â â Cloning and hereditary designing ahve been thoughts that researchers have investigated for a long time.â Cloning initially came to open consideration approximately thirty years prior, after the s... ...bring up extreme issues. Mohler, Albert R. The Brave New World of Cloning: A Christian Worldview Perspective.â Human Cloning: Religious Responses.â Ed. Ronald Cole-Turner. Louiseville, Ky.: Westminster John Know Press, c 1997. MSNBC Staff and Wire Reports.â Korea says human clone test succeeds: Scientists guarantee to develop human incipient organism in experiment.â Pence, Gregory E. Tissue of my Flesh: The Ethics of Cloning Humans.â Lanham, Md. Rowman and Littlefield, c 1998. Pence, Gregory E. Who's Afraid of Human Cloning? Lanham, Md. Rowman and Littlefield, c 1998. Roleff, Tamara L. ed. Biomedical Ethics: Opposing Viewpoints.â San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, Inc. c 1998. Wekesser, Carol. ed. Hereditary Engineering: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, Inc. c 1996.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
MindMeister 4.1 for iPad arrives! - Focus
MindMeister 4.1 for iPad arrives! - Focus Please note: this article was last updated in 2011. For the most up-to-date news on MindMeister for iOS please visit Great news for fans of our MindMeister for iPad app! We’ve recently released Version 4.1 which packs a number of improvements and requested features into your favorite mobile mind mapping app. If you’re a regular to syncing, you’ve already updated to the latest version, but if not, please update your app here. Based on your outstanding feedback and requests, we’ve focused on a number of usability features and functions that are particularly useful when used in a live mapping/note taking fashion. To put these new features to the “real world†test, all maps that were made for our live mind mapping of the TEDxVienna event were created using only an iPad2, running the pre-release version of 4.1. What’s New? Watching a number of you interact with the MindMeister for iPad app, we sought to find a way to make your maps more meaningful, but at the same time keep the speed and usability factor up. In this release, we’ve focused on a number of these features, and are happy to present: ? New auxiliary keyboard: recently used icons, node highlights, and quick node creation ? New context menu for nodes (tap selected node) ? New node creation gestures (double tap above, below or beside current node) ? Support for 6 all new MindMeister themes ? Support for alternative login methods (Uni Login) a special request by our Danish partners. We will be adding alternative login options, i.e. Facebook, Google, OpenID in the future. A huge Thank You! to all those that have been providing excellent feedback on both our MindMeister for iPad app, as well as our MindMeister for iPhone and MindMeister for Android apps. If youd like to contribute, please get in touch! MindMeister 4.1 for iPad arrives! - Focus Please note: this article was last updated in 2011. For the most up-to-date news on MindMeister for iOS please visit Great news for fans of our MindMeister for iPad app! We’ve recently released Version 4.1 which packs a number of improvements and requested features into your favorite mobile mind mapping app. If you’re a regular to syncing, you’ve already updated to the latest version, but if not, please update your app here. Based on your outstanding feedback and requests, we’ve focused on a number of usability features and functions that are particularly useful when used in a live mapping/note taking fashion. To put these new features to the “real world†test, all maps that were made for our live mind mapping of the TEDxVienna event were created using only an iPad2, running the pre-release version of 4.1. What’s New? Watching a number of you interact with the MindMeister for iPad app, we sought to find a way to make your maps more meaningful, but at the same time keep the speed and usability factor up. In this release, we’ve focused on a number of these features, and are happy to present: ? New auxiliary keyboard: recently used icons, node highlights, and quick node creation ? New context menu for nodes (tap selected node) ? New node creation gestures (double tap above, below or beside current node) ? Support for 6 all new MindMeister themes ? Support for alternative login methods (Uni Login) a special request by our Danish partners. We will be adding alternative login options, i.e. Facebook, Google, OpenID in the future. A huge Thank You! to all those that have been providing excellent feedback on both our MindMeister for iPad app, as well as our MindMeister for iPhone and MindMeister for Android apps. If youd like to contribute, please get in touch!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
I Am A Student Of East Stroudsburg University - 887 Words
I proceeded to walk down the aisle slowly becoming aware of the acrobats doing summersaults in my stomach. With such great prestige I heard the announcer’s voice, â€Å"Gerdwine Bourdeau.†Still in displacement of what had just occurred, rivers of joy rushed down my face. In quick pursuit, I shook President Welsh’s hand, turned my cheek and gleamed a smile towards the camera. In an instant flash the proudest moment of my life quickly became a realization. As of August 2016 I would be a graduate student of East Stroudsburg University. All the tears of joy and stressful nights would eventually become memories I tap into over lunch with a group of alumni friends. The ceremony quickly came to an end. Myself as well as hundreds of students rushed in search of their families. I had become overwhelmed in the confusion to only hear a lonely voice over the crowd shout in creole â€Å"Gerdwine, Gerdwine!†Moments later I stood in front of my first love, my parents. They gazed with admiration and joy, as I stared into their eyes and seen hard working immigrants from Haiti. Raising seven children wasn’t always easy, they worked day in and day out hiking 12 flights of stairs in a Brooklyn apartment building. All to make sure their children received an education that they were unable to obtain. Following in the footsteps of my parents, the past four years at ESU, I reflected the diligent work, dedication, leadership and motivation of my parents. A nervous but bubbly outgoing freshman soon climbedShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech On The State Exams1460 Words  | 6 Pagesat East Stroudsburg University. As the years and assignments progressed, I developed a set of writing weakness and strengths that still shape the way I write today. Additionally, I have had many opportunities to experience the different styles of writing available. Both of those factors will help me achieve the rigorous goals that I have set for myself and this class. From a simple sentence during elementary school to a comprehensive research report in college, during my years as a student I haveRead MoreMy Career As A Career745 Words  | 3 Pageswant to do with their degree, I am definitely one of those people. One of the careers that I thought was interesting to me was a career as a exercise physiologist. Exercise physiology interests me because it does not seem boring like they are doing something different with a patient everyday like administer test one day and the next day customized a exercise program for that client. Many exercise physiology are on their feet most of the days which I like because I would hate sitting at a desk all
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on School Violence - 919 Words
Social withdrawl, severe feeling of isolation, being bullied, uncontrolled anger. These are all warning signs of violence starting in schools. (Charlene Alexander) The United States is facing an outbreak of seriously violent crimes in middle schools and high schools across the country. (Mechthid Schaefer) Violence in schools really affects students learning and their learning habits. If a student is being picked on or bullied, that causes them to feel socially withdrawn. In turn, this leads to the student not wanting to be in school or not being able to concentrate on what matters the most, their future. Being picked on is a huge part of how school violence starts. But in reality, those are the things we should pay most attention to. For†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the government, school officials, and parents are still wondering what is the cause of this horrible violence, and how can they solve the problem. While students, parents, teachers and educational staff expec t schools to grant a safe and secure atmosphere for learning, a series of school shootings across the nation have occurred. It has happened in suburbs like Parkland and in rural towns once considered safe havens from big-city shootings. Schools are encountering gun violence for the first time, which has shattered this expectation of what is creating a safe environment for students. One situation, considered the most awful act of high school terror in United States history played out at Columbine High School. During that event, teenagers entered the high school and killed and injured many of the staff and students attending. While this case has received the most attention, it was not the first case. Every two days in the United States, we lose a classroom of children to some kind of violent related issue. () Reports by the U.S. Department of Justice and Education point out that more than eighty percent of public elementary and secondary schools report experiencing at least one violent incident, ranging from physical fights and bullying to rape and assault with a weapon. Shooting rampages have occurred across the United States rangingShow MoreRelatedSchool Violence And Schools Violence2781 Words  | 12 PagesSchool violence has become a topic that many people are engaged in a debate about. It is difficult to make a definitive definition of school violence, because there are so very many components to it. For one thing, we can be sure that school violence and bullying is something that only takes place amongst peers; this type of violence typically does not involve adults, and happens as a result of interactions from school or within the peer group. This part of the definition seems obvious. However,Read MoreSchool Violence2444 Words  | 10 PagesSchool Violence Victoria Griffin Fayetteville State University The Importance to Be Aware Of School Violence in Education Today By Victoria Griffin December 1, 2014 Abstract: The importance of knowing about school violence, the cause of school violence, forms of school violence and they ways teacher can prevent school violence was observed. A recent act of school violence is announced and the content of why it is important for teachers to be aware of school violence. School violenceRead MorePrevention of School Violence717 Words  | 3 Pages Violence is a major issue in educational institutes. Over the years, school violence has continued to increase at an alarming rate. â€Å"Every year, 3 million young people in the United States fall victim to crimes at school. Almost 2 million of these incidents involve violence†(â€Å"The Challenge of School Violence†). Violence in schools must be prevented. Teachers and parents play a significant role in a student’s life, and they need to take a full on approach on having a healthy relationship with eachRead MoreThe Problem Of School Violence886 Words  | 4 Pages The somewhat recent event of Sandy Hook has been a major focus of debate among any serious discussion about school violence in America. Yet, just since Columbine, there has been over 100 school shootings, not including stabbing, rape, or even fist fights (in which there was serious injury or death). Despite this unprecedented level of aggression among our nation’s youth, the nation, in its entirety, has not dedicated an appropriate amount of time and energy to coming up with a solution. The bulkRead MoreSchool Violence Essay1154 Words  | 5 PagesPreventing school violence has been an issue in our society for so long it has almost become commonplace. According to an article on, since the year 2000, there have been a recorded 64 shooting related incidents that involved publicly occupied areas. That is an occurrence of almost five per year. Of those 64, 94% of these incidents were school related shootings. The violence goes from elementary schools all the way up to college universities. The statistics are not pretty by anyRead MoreSchool Violence1125 Words  | 5 PagesFinding a Solution to School Violence Anita Lopez Kaplan University CM-220 School is a place where children should go to learn, educate themselves, make lifelong friends and most importantly they should feel safe. The violence in schools has increased over the years and many schools aren’t sure how to handle this growing problem in an appropriate manner. School violence may come in various forms and some of the most common forms of school violence include physical abuses, bullying, brawlRead MoreSchool Violence2187 Words  | 9 PagesSchool Violence Violence in schools has spread widely throughout the nation. School violence is a big problem we are facing now. This has caused many problems among students, families’ faculty of schools and residents of the community. School violence includes gang activity, locker thefts, bullying and intimidation, gun use, assault, and drugs. In my paper I will discuss the reasons why violence in schools exists, describeRead MoreThe Violence Of Public Schools871 Words  | 4 PagesIn recent times, several mass shootings have occurred in several places. Sadly, public schools in America have been venues for these mass shootings. How do we reduce these shootings? How do we ensure that the lives of our kids are safe? These are the questions parents all over America are asking. A lot of suggestions have been made to the government concerning the issue of mass shootings. Some say government have to ban the purchase of guns, others say there should be background checks, while othersRead M oreEssay on School Violence837 Words  | 4 Pagesclassmates and one teacher. School violence changes our youths morals. From bullying to peer pressure, youth are exposed to school violence everyday. What is school violence? School violence varies from accounts of â€Å"death, homicide, suicide, weapon related violence, in the US.†(c1) School violence can occur to and from school, while attending a school sponsored event, on a bus, or at an activity. Violence in school goes back to the 1800s’. The first publicly funded schools for delinquents was builtRead More Essay on Gender and School Violence1060 Words  | 5 Pagesmost recent acts of violence by children have prompted us as a nation to look at the causes and possible solutions to this crisis in our schools. In fact, according to Public Agenda, a national organization that conducts public opinion research on educational issues, school safety was identified as the most important issue affecting schools by those surveyed (Johnson Immerwahr, 1994/1995). Yet school violence does not exist in a vacuum. It is directly related to the violence in our society. And
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
It210 Final Free Essays
IT 210-Final Currency Conversion Program Florence Sanders IT/210 Fundamentals of Programming with Algorithms and Logic September 16, 2012 Ed Addison Application-Level Requirements List 1. User screen that prompts user 2. Display prompts main user title screen 3. We will write a custom essay sample on It210 Final or any similar topic only for you Order Now Main user screen provides short description explaining use of program 4. Calculations of currency is executed with valid inputs 5. Provides option to clear input fields Input| Process| Output| Currency TypeCurrency AmountExchange Rate| Get user input| Currency Type Currency Amount| Currency Type| Foreign Exchange Currency | Currency Type| Enter currency amount| Calculate total| Currency Amount| Foreign Currency amount | Convert to US dollar| US currency amount| Currency TypeCurrency AmountExchange Rate| Display results| Conversion of foreign currency into US Dollars| Main Module Main Module Display_Resluts Module Display_Resluts Module Get_Int_Value Module Get_Int_Value Module Display_Menu Module Display_Menu Module Convert_Currency Module Convert_Currency Module Control Flow Diagramâ€â€Main Control â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Begin Display Menu Quit ? Provide exit message Display Menu Yes No Convert Currency Display results End Begin Display Menu Quit ? Provide exit message Display Menu Yes No Convert Currency Display results End â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Control Flow Diagramâ€â€Display Menu Begin Selection menu Valid selection ? Error 4 : Invalid menu selection No Yes End Quit ? Yes Provide exit menu Quit Verified ? Yes Take selection from user Get_Int_Value No Conversion Verified ? No Yes No Begin Selection menu Valid selection ? Error 4 : Invalid enu selection No Yes End Quit ? Yes Provide exit menu Quit Verified ? Yes Take selection from user Get_Int_Value No Conversion Verified ? No Yes No | Control Flow Diagramâ€â€Get_Int_Value Tell user to enter number Tell user to enter number Take input from user Take input from user Error message Error message Error message Error message | Control Flow Diagramâ€â€Convert Currency French ? French ? Japanese? ? Japanese? ? Mexican? Mexican? Begin Canadian ? Rate=Canadian Rate English ? No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rate =Mexican rate Rate=pound rate Rate=Japanese rate Rate = French Rate Rate = 0 . 0 US Value = Rate*Int_Value End Begin Canadian ? Rate=Canadian Rate English ? No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Rate =Mexican rate Rate=pound rate Rate=Japanese rate Rate = French Rate Rate = 0 . 0 US Value = Rate*Int_Value End | Control Flow Diagramâ€â€Display_Results Nation=French Currency=Francs Nation=French Currency=Francs Nation=Japanese Currency=Yen Nation=Japanese Currency=Yen Nation=English Currency=Pound Nation=English Currency=Pound Nation=Mexican Currency=Pesos Nation=Mexican Currency=Pesos Japanese ? Japanese ? English ? ? English ? ? Mexican ? Mexican ? Canadian ? Canadian ? Invalid Selection Invalid Selection | Final Project Currency Conversion Psuedocode Main Module Declare selection as integer Declare currency Type as Integer Declare international Value as real Declare US Value as real Do while user wants to continue Display Menu Get International Value Convert Currency Display Results End Loop Print exit message End Main Module Display Menu Declare continue as Boolean Set continue = true While continue = true Display â€Å"Welcome to the international currency conversion program†Display â€Å"Please make a selection†Display â€Å"international Currency Types:†Display â€Å"1: Canadian Dollars†Display â€Å"2: Mexican Pesos†Display†3: English Pounds†Display â€Å"4: Japanese Yen†Display â€Å"5: French Francs†Display â€Å"6: Quit: Display â€Å"Enter a selection:†; Input Currency Type If Currency Type = 1 AND currency Type = 5 then Set continue = false Else if currency Type = 6 Display â€Å"Quitting Currency Conversion†Continue = false Else Display â€Å"Error 1: Invalid menu selection. †Continue = true End If End While End Display Menu Get International Value Declare value as integer Declare continue as Boolean Set continue = true While continue = true Display â€Å"Enter a currency value (positive number): †Input international Value if international Value 0 AND international Value =(NNN) NNN- NNNNthen continue = false else Displayâ€Å"†Error 2: Invalid input–Negative Number†continue = true end if end while End Get International Value Convert Currency Declare rate as real Select Case of currency Type case 1: Set rate = 1. 4680 case 2: Set rate = 9. 5085 case 3: Set rate = 1. 6433 case 4: Set rate =(NNN) NNN-NNNN case 5: Set rate = 6. 2561 default: Set rate = 0. 0 End Case US Value = rate * international Value End Convert Currency Display Results Declare nation as string Declare currency as string Select Case of currency Type case CANADIAN: nation = â€Å"Canadian†; currency = â€Å"Dollars†; case MEXICAN: nation = â€Å"Mexican†; currency = â€Å"Pesos†; case ENGLISH: nation = â€Å"English†; currency = â€Å"Pounds†; case JAPANESE: nation = â€Å"Japanese†; currency = â€Å"Yen†; case FRENCH: nation = â€Å"French†; currency = â€Å"Francs†; default: nation = â€Å"No country†; currency = â€Å"†; End Case if currency â€Å"†then Display â€Å"The value of â€Å", international Value, â€Å" â€Å" , nation, â€Å" â€Å", currency, â€Å" is â€Å", US Value, â€Å" dollars†lse Display â€Å"Error3: Invalid Selection. †end if End Display Results Test Cases Display Menu Test Cases Test Case 1: Valid Menu Selection = Canadian Dollars In puts: Menu Selection = 1 Expected Outputs: â€Å"Do you want to continue with the conversion, Y = Yes, N = No†Currency type = 1 Test Case 2: Valid Menu Selection = Quit Inputs: Menu Selection = 6 Expected Outputs: â€Å"Do you want to Quit, Y = Yes, N = No†Currency type = 1 Test Case 3: Invalid Menu Selection = 9 Inputs: Menu Selection = 9 Expected Outputs: â€Å"Error 4: Please make a valid menu selection†â€Å"Hit any character or number to continue†Menu is redisplayed Get_Int_Value Test Test Case 1: Valid International Value = 100. 0 Inputs: 100. 0 Expected Outputs: International Value = 100. 0 Test Case 2: Valid International Value = 0. 0 Inputs: 0. 0 Expected Outputs: International Value = 00. 0 Test Case 3: Invalid International Value = -15 Inputs: -15 Expected Outputs: Error 1: Invalid inputâ€â€Negative Number Strike any character or numeric key to continue Test Case 4: Illegal International value = character input Input: †L†Expected Outputs: Error 2: Illegal Input, Strike any character or numeric key to continue Convert Currency Test Test Case 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian Inputs: Currency type = 1 International value = 100. 0 Expected Output US value = 68. 12 Test Case 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican Inputs: Currency type = 2 International value = 100. 0 Expected Output US value = 10. 52 Test Case 3: Valid International Currency = English Inputs: Currency_Type = 3 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 164. 83 Test Case 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese Inputs: Currency_Type = 4 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 0. 95 Test Case 5: Valid International Currency = French Inputs: Currency_Type = 5 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 15. 98 Test Case 6: Invalid International Currency = 6 Inputs: Currency_Type = 6 Int_Value = 100. 0 Expected Output US_Value = 0. 0 Display Results Test Cases Test Case 1: Valid International Currency = Canadian Inputs: Currency_Type = 1 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 68. 12 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Canadian dollars is 68. 12 US dollars Test Case 2: Valid International Currency = Mexican Inputs: Currency_Type = 2 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 10. 52 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Mexican Pesos is 10. 52 US Dollars Test Case 3: Valid International Currency = English Inputs: Currency_Type = 3 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 164. 83 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 English pounds is 164. 33 US dollars Test Case 4: Valid International Currency = Japanese Inputs: Currency_Type = 4 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 0. 95 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Japanese Yes is 0. 94 US dollars Test Case 5: Valid International Currency = French Inputs: Currency_Type = 5 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 15. 98 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 French Francs is 15. 98 US dollars Test Case 6: Invalid International Currency = 6 Inputs: Currency_Type = 6 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 0. 0 Expected Output Error 5: Invalid Currency Type Currency Conversion Integration Test Test Case 1: Valid Selection = Canadian Inputs: Currency_Type = 1 Int_Value = 100. 0 US_Value = 68. 12 Expected Output The value of 100. 0 Canadian dollars is 68. 12 US dollars Test Case 2: Valid Selection = Quit Inputs: Currency_Type = 6 Continue = †n†Expected Output Thank you for using the Currency Conversion Program Test Case 3: Illegal Currency Amount Inputs: Currency_Type = 1 Int_Value = †L†Outputs Error 2: Illegal Input Strike any character or numeric key to continue How to cite It210 Final, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Importance of Capital Budgeting free essay sample
The importance of capital Budgeting In the world of business, capital budgeting is one of the most important steps that a company can take. Many in the business world do not properly understand the importance of capital budgeting. Here are the basics of capital budgeting and why it is important to businesses. What Is Capital Budgeting? Capital budgeting is a process that attempts to determine the future. Before any large project begins, the capital budgeting process should be utilized. Without capital budgeting, your company could make a fatal mistake.Here are a few aspects of the capital budgeting process and why each one is critical to your success. Identify Opportunities As a business owner or entrepreneur, you are often presented with many different potential opportunities. You could go in a number of different directions as a company. The first step in the capital budgeting process is identifying which opportunities are available to you at the time. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Capital Budgeting or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Before you can make a decision he have to know what is available first. Assess OpportunitiesOnce you have identified the possible opportunities for your business, the next step in the process is to assess each opportunity individually. You to compare each opportunity against your vision for the company and the mission statement. Look at the values of each opportunity and see if they match with your own values. Many of the potential opportunities can be eliminated in the step before you can get into the financial information. You want only pursue opportunities that match your business plan. Cash Flow AssessmentAnother vital part of the capital budgeting process is cash flow assessment. When looking at a new project, you to come up with a cash flow plan for it. You need to estimate the amount of cash that will take to complete the project and how much cash it will require going forward. This often requires the consultation of several different experts. For example, if you are considering starting a new plant for your business, you will need to consult with an architect and possibly a builder to determine how much it would ost. If building is not your expertise, do not rely on guesstimates for your information. The second part of the cash flow assessment process helps you determine how much money are project could bring in. When calculating these numbers do not ever use the best case scenario. Use numbers that are more realistic for your assessment. This part of the process helps you determine whether the project is viable or not. Making DecisionsUltimately, the objective of capital budgeting is to help you make decisions that are smart for your business. Taking the necessary steps to evaluate each opportunity can help you avoid disastrous consequences for your business. If these steps are not taken, you can take on a project that does not bring any value to your company. Ultimately, it could prove to be the last mistake your company remakes. Therefore, the capital budgeting process is crucial to consider before making any big decisions for any type of project.
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